


SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool used for SEO, content marketing, competitor analysis, PPC, and social media marketing. It offers a suite of tools to help users improve their online visibility and discover marketing insights. SEMrush is widely used for keyword research, site audits, and analyzing competitors’ strategies to enhance marketing efforts. They have been around


  • PPC
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing

Use Case

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Content audit
  • Link Building
  • Reporting
  • Site Traffic Analysis

Semrush Services Demo

image description


Semrush Website Competition Analytics

Semrush Inc.

2008 - Present - 15
Boston, Massachusetts

SEMrush was established in 2008 by Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitry Melnikov. The company started as a small group of SEO and IT specialists with the mission of making online competition fair and transparent, providing equal opportunities for everyone. It was founded as a solution to fill a gap in the market for a comprehensive SEO tool aimed at digital marketers and businesses

Semrush Profile

Company: Semrush Inc


Payments Accepted:

  • Annual Payments
  • Monthly Payments