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Companies of all shapes and sizes need digital marketing to thrive in their industry, convert more leads to customers, and stand out from competitors. Businesses are beginning to realize this, so they’re turning to educational resources like online digital marketing courses to help them learn best practices in digital marketing. By researching which skills, knowledge, and learning styles people are most interested in, you can teach a course that’s relevant, educational, and valuable to your students or employees.

What Skills and Knowledge Do People Most Want to Learn From a Digital Marketing Course?

When people enroll in digital marketing courses, they’re trying to learn new skills and tools to reach a wider target audience, educate consumers, and convert more leads to customers. Common skills and knowledge most people are searching for when they enroll in digital marketing courses include:

Video Marketing

Videos are becoming a popular form of content marketing that many consumers are flocking to. Video marketing allows viewers to quickly and easily consume content through a visual format. Videos are a great way to engage and entertain customers, leading them to become more interested in a company’s product or service. There are many ways you can market to consumers using video marketing, including:

  • Welcome videos on home pages
  • Informational product videos and product demonstrations
  • Instructional or tutorial videos
  • Brand videos for advertising campaigns
  • Event videos where you’re attending or hosting conferences, conventions, or fundraisers
  • Explainer videos
  • Animated videos
  • Case studies or customer testimonials
  • Live videos

Teach students the basics of these videos and the type of content they typically contain. Your course can also include general tips and best practices for shooting a visually appealing video. Walk them through video editing software tools to teach them basic methods for cutting and visually enhancing their videos.

SEO and SEM Best Practices

Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are both key elements of a great digital marketing strategy. There are many different methods and expert levels you can teach when conducting an SEO and SEM best practices course. Your course should mainly revolve around ways for people to increase their content’s visibility to rank higher on search engine results by driving traffic to your site and using best practices to organically increase your rankings. Consider teaching students the following best practices:

  • Including keywords in their content
  • Featuring optimized meta descriptions and title tags on their webpages
  • Optimizing their website’s loading speed
  • Uploading and optimizing images for SEO
  • Using internal and external links
  • Building backlinks to their website

Content Creation and Strategy

Your digital marketing course can provide an overview of the importance of content marketing and creating high-quality, valuable, and relevant content for readers. Review the different forms of content marketing they can create, like:

  • Blogs
  • eBooks
  • White papers
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Testimonials

Once you teach them the different types of content to craft, you can dive deeper into planning and strategizing their content. This can focus on researching their audience to determine which content forms their audience will view, when they should post content, and which outlets to publish on. You can also walk them through building a content calendar and scheduling posts to publish ahead of time.

Data and Analytical Tracking

Once you’ve taught students how to build and publish content, it’s time to learn how to analyze and review the results it brings in. You can walk them through basic analytical and data tracking tools like Google Analytics so they understand how to read statistics involving their user’s interactions and engagements.

Marketing Software Knowledge

It’s important for marketing professionals to have extensive knowledge in marketing software and platforms. You can teach students how to operate common content management systems, like WordPress. Other marketing automation software, like HootSuite and HubSpot, are great tools to teach students how to execute campaigns and schedule their posts on various outlets.

It may also benefit you and your students if you educate them on using social media tools to post and track your results on certain outlets. You could also instruct them on how to use Facebook Ads alone so they can understand how to boost posts, track results, and stay within a reasonable social media marketing budget.

What Makes a Good Online Class?

Image via Unsplash by sctgrhm

Elements of a great online class that many students look for include:

  • Relevant material — Offer material that’s natural, relevant to the course’s title, and provides valuable knowledge that students can easily apply in the real world. Conduct keyword research to find subject matters high in demand that people are regularly searching for to guarantee more people will sign up and gain quality information from the course.
  • Engagement and communication between students and instructors — Make sure your course is engaging and entertaining for students. This course should be a great way for students to get to know others in similar fields to form strong business connections. Encourage regular discussions and collaboration on group projects between students.
  • Visuals to more easily digest learning materials — Provide engaging visuals and graphics, like charts and graphs to display statistics or videos to explain more complex subject matters. Your students can more easily learn different topics if you find unique ways to teach them.  
  • Additional educational resources and opportunities — Give your students additional resources and information to continue studying a subject you briefly went over. A student may have learned the basics about marketing analytics and want to dive deeper into it. Provide them with resources and ways to study the subject further.
  • A subject you’re passionate about — Be sure to refrain from teaching a course simply because you want to drive sales. Find a subject matter within digital marketing that you’re passionate about. Your enthusiasm and drive will transfer to your students and make them more excited to learn from you.  

As you build your curriculum, think about and demonstrate how each aspect of marketing that you teach will benefit your students. Explain to them how they can apply the subject matter toward their own careers to ensure they get the most out of your course.

Knowledge Base: Digital Marketing

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